Check Out Latest Updated Bob Evans Farmhouse Feasts Menu, filled with hearty family meal options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Check out our Farmhouse Feast® selections and holiday meal offerings for convenient and flavorful dining experiences with Bob Evans.”

Bob Evans Farmhouse Feasts Menu Prices
Bob Evans Farmhouse Feasts Menu Prices


What’s included in a Farmhouse Feast® from Bob Evans?

A Bob Evans Farmhouse Feast® comes with options like hickory-smoked ham or slow-roasted turkey, offering a full holiday meal experience.

How many people does a Bob Evans Farmhouse Feast serve?

Typically, a Bob Evans Farmhouse Feast serves 4 to 5 people, perfect for family gatherings or special occasions.

Can I customize my Bob Evans Farmhouse Feast order?

Customization options for Bob Evans Farmhouse Feast orders are not provided in available information.

Are there vegetarian or vegan options in Bob Evans’ Farmhouse Feasts?

Details about vegetarian or vegan options in Bob Evans’ Farmhouse Feasts are not specified.

How can I order a Bob Evans Farmhouse Feast?

Order a Bob Evans Farmhouse Feast through their official website or by contacting the restaurant directly.

Are there special holiday-themed Farmhouse Feasts available?

Bob Evans offers special holiday-themed Farmhouse Feasts for festive occasions.

What are the heating instructions for a Bob Evans Farmhouse Feast?

Heating instructions may vary; it’s best to follow the provided guidelines for each item.

Can I order additional sides or desserts with a Bob Evans Farmhouse Feast?

Information about ordering extra sides or desserts is not provided.

Are there allergen considerations for Bob Evans’ Farmhouse Feasts?

Specific allergen information is not detailed.

What are the main protein options in Bob Evans’ Farmhouse Feasts?

Typically, Bob Evans’ Farmhouse Feasts offer protein choices like hickory-smoked ham or slow-roasted turkey.

We are following the updates and the information is relevant in 2024!

Keep in mind: The details provided are from publicly accessible sources and might not be entirely precise. For the most accurate nutritional information, it’s recommended to visit the Bob Evans website or reach out to them directly.

The price can vary based on your location. It’s best to check the specific price through the Bob Evans website or app for delivery to your area.